Fitness mindset motivation - The Judoka, Olympian Rowena Birch - Podcast S1 Ep3

In this episode, I talk with Ex Olympian and European judoka champion Rowena Birch.
Rowena Is a colleague and friend of mine from the university of manchester sports scholarship panel were we help athletes on their journey to master their chosen sport whilst simultaneously excelling in their chosen academic pathway.
For information on sports scholarships or to find out more follow the link here
Rowena and I spoke about her judo career. Her transition into coaching then into her current working life as a wealth manager for Prestfield Wealth Management. She is now using all her past experiences in the world of sport and coaching to offer help, advice and solutions to people in the world of sport. To help them manage and understand their finances better.
If you want to find out more about Rowena's role as a wealth manager? Then reach out to her through the website:
It was great to talk in-depth with Rowena as she has so much experience in so many areas related to Fitness, Mindset and Motivation. It was fascinating to dig deeper into her life and reveal what wisdom she had to offer in the area as a hugely accomplished individual. It was also refreshing to talk engagingly with someone whom I have worked alongside for several years and not spoken to in as much depth.
We covered current topics like sport through covid, the Olympics being postponed to next year. Her experiences of coaching throughout covid and her thoughts on sport in general after 2020 and beyond.
I hope you enjoy and get something out of this episode. As always there is never enough time to fit everything in 40 minutes and under the circumstances with zoom calls audio and video sometimes isn't the greatest however I appreciate all my guest so far and for everyone who listens to the podcast.
So thank you. have a great day and rest of your week
If you want to go back and listen to episode 1 with ultramarathon runner Matthew Dyas click here
Or with Rugby League star and international Liam Kay click here
Coming soon we have Rugby star and s&c coach Andrew Dixon and 2021 Olympic hopeful and GB triple jump under 23 record holder Naomi Ogbeta
Thanks again for listening and reading. It is hugely appreciated as this takes a lot of time to prepare and put together.
Take care!
Tom Armstrong
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