Red Light Therapy..Can it really make you faster, fitter, stronger for longer???

Red Light Therapy..Can it really make you faster, fitter, stronger for longer???


In this blog, we will look into the applications of Red Light Therapy for athletes to improve athletic performance and reduce recovery times. 

We will be using studies from a range of sports to demonstrate that this technology is applicable to everybody. Highlighting the benefits to performance for all.

With our founders coming from a professional sporting background we know first hand the demands on the body and the mind. what it takes to get to that level and even more so to remain there!

90% of the work done off the field is what keeps you on the field so we bring you The True Athletic Red light and here are how they can help you!

Red light therapy meta-analysis an umbrella study...

Hundreds of studies exist on red light therapy and the technology has been around for many years however, it is the science that has now caught up enough to prove the efficacy of RLT for the body and mind. 

We look into a 2016 meta-analysis on muscular performance after usage of low-level phototherapy, specifically testing: torque, power, strength exercise capacity (number of repetitions, time to exhaustion, blood lactate concentration and lactate dehydrogenase activity) These are great metrics to measure when determining the performance enhancement benefits of Red light therapy on an athlete. 

First off, meta-analysis or an umbrella study is the study of a collection of relevant studies in the field by independent researchers...Simply it is a study of studies! 16 thesis' comprised of 297 participants in total were cross-referenced and results were accredited by an independent third party before publication.  

The results concluded an improvement of 3.51 greater repetitions on average in muscular endurance testing. A mean delay of time to exhaustion of 4.01s. A reduction in lactate levels and increased peak torque were observed when RLT was applied before exercise for 10-20mins.

What does this mean if you are an athlete or anyone trying to improve their muscular performance? 

It is fairly obvious if you can perform more repetitions this translates to more work done in your sport which, in a game of inches, can be the difference between winning and losing.

An increased time to exhaustion results in a greater cardiovascular output meaning you can work for longer again vital for 99% of sports and vital for you to outperform your rivals.

Reduced lactate levels are beneficial for improved performance in particular a more accurate predictor of endurance performance in long-distance runners with a reduction in blood lactate levels leading to further distance coved at a faster pace!!! 

Increased peak torque levels are particularly important in explosive sports and sports which required changes of directions around a joint at speed. A good example of this would be making tackles in rugby, or in tennis reaching for a shot to generate power on a return of serve.


Is Red light therapy effective for injury and repair?

We have all been there. You find yourself on the sidelines due to an injury. Whether it is a one-week contusion injury or recovery from surgery the pain both mentally and physically is real and the frustration of wanting to perform but can't, can get an athlete down we know first hand how it feels. 


But does RLT therapy really get you back to the field quicker? Or better still does it prevent you from being on the sidelines at all!? 


We looked at the data from many studies and found that in fact using red light therapy post-workout on an injury can, in fact, reduce the inflammation response and increase the production of IGF-1 when required for tissue repair of skeletal muscle. IGF-1 can also help in the formation of new muscle which is particularly important in rugby or similar sports.

Can RLT keep you off the sidelines completely? A 2016 study on Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) administered prior to or following an injury has demonstrated positive and protective effects on muscle repair. The study also concluded that a combination of RLT prior to and post-injury significantly reduces the amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which is one of the major factors contributing to the length of injury and is the reason healthy fibres around injures are damaged for longer.  


Red light therapy is should be in every athlete's kit bag and home. From as little as 10 minutes per day, you could take your game to the next level and keep you on the field for longer. The data we uncovered is phenomenal we only wish we knew this when we were athletes ourselves.

This is why now we are bringing you the True Athletic Red light Therapy devices as part of your arsenal to be fitter, faster, stronger for longer!

If you want to know more about the studies or the uses of RLT then please reach out to us and book a consultation with engineer, founder and Ex athlete Thomas Armstong.

Email to book now. 

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